Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Laser guns and other such enthralling activities

Hi there. The time left to complete our sentry gun project is starting to wither and so is my attention span slightly. It seems the beginning of the project where we had free reign over what we could do has sort of dwindled into just tinkering around with stuff in UE4. In comparison I find it slightly less interesting, that's not to say I'm not enjoying it; it's great. As someone who wants to design things for a living anything that isn't designing should be expectedly less entertaining. So, we have until Monday to complete our sentry guns and here is where I'm at.

Generic base metal map is down because metalness maps tend to change the colour of the material. So there'd be no point painting the albedo first, only for it to be ruined by the metalness map that seemingly turns everything to black. I've got an emissive map on the go and my projectile is working. All I'm short of is the rest of the albedo and my normal map. And of course, a bit of polish, that's the process of making something shiny and not the people of Poland. Yeah.

Along with my sentry I'm just working away at getting better at painting really. Doing daily spitpaints every other day. Excuse the oxymoron, I don't get time to do one a day. Well, I probably could. I'm just lying now.

To further contradict myself, in my free time I managed to do a portrait of the lady known as Alice Glass. A rather defined bone structure so you've basically got to. Draw her that is.

I think that's all for now. Peace.

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