I'm back off the long festive break and we're thrown straight into the fray with a group project. We essentially have to make a city or level made from modular pieces. Like a city made from containers, such is the name. Our city is going to take place underground, similar to a vault from Fallout if you imagine. You enter underground into the rundown area, almost like the slums. Lots of grime and cables hanging down like an abandoned mine shaft. We want to emphasise contrast and a decent. As you go down the initial corridor you find an elevator and venture further down. As you do you find a heavy door of which reveals a slick underground lab. We want to go from grime to cleanliness. Design wise, I've already figured out how elevators work in UE4. I can give the player a flashlight which is certainly immersive in terms of lighting without actually having to think too much about the lighting itself. As an overall goal its going to be as simple as turning the power on which plays into having a torch. If there's no power, there's no light.

At the start, out concepts were heading in the way of a giant hole in the ground or a crater made by a bomb. The world ravaged by nuclear fallout. Just too ambitious.
Dan came up with the idea of a shed in a desert that has a secret elevator into a lab. Again, building the outside and directing the player in such a wide open space is difficult.
Finally, we started to pull it in. Make it really claustrophobic. Have the player be inside shipping containers and caves, until the lab emerged. The picture above being all too bright, we're heading towards a dingier look.
Tomorrow, we're starting on building this thing. That's all for now.
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