Wednesday, 25 November 2015


The change in workflow really helped for initial sketches. I could envision the city very early on with 3D but I had no painting. Now I have the painting done the 3D can follow. It's worth noting everything below is in progress.

The first city is set in the sort of stormy lands near the ocean. Perpetual rain, rocky seas. In the midst of a carved out cliff face is a sprawling metropolis. Almost a slum-like area with cramped living. The city riddled with lights to boast the inhabitants discovery of electricity. Hydroelectric power is harnessed from the ocean and powers the city.

A Caribbean fishing and trading city just off the coast. Going back to the point; these are thus far paintings without substance. No information, just paint.

Next ones a complex of giant fishing huts. Yeah I'm not sold on it either. We'll see.

And then my final city is located on the side of a waterfall.
I think I'm fairly on point so far. I'll have two or three polished images for each of the cities by the end most likely.

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