Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A bit of levelling up

Ever so lately Iv'e become slightly obsessed with getting better at what I do. Basically all day every day I just paint. I know it's obvious that this is how you get better; but I'm genuinely amazed by my improvements. Iv'e always been an environment guy. My lecturers obviously read my mind and gave me a character project. And you know what, I bloody loved it.

The project was to create an interesting character which is incredibly vague and subjective. I spend an awful long time just working out what the project title meant. Once I kind of had my head around it, my peers helped fill in the rest, telling me what ideas worked and what did not. And then we had to build the character out of sculpey. It's basically play dough.

After this, Mitch gave us a little insight into facial anatomy and told us to draw our own faces. After drawing my head a few times looking in a mirror, I noticed my expression was kind of dull just looking at the viewer essentially. So I took a few photos and worked from them too. The photos helped with the composition and the mirror with colour. I'm incredibly happy with the result.

I don't want to cram too much onto one post so I'll create another post with the reef project and more personal work.

Prepare yourselves.

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