Thursday, 27 March 2014

Your one handed skill has increased

No, that title was not rude. I draw with hands. This is a continuation of the continuing updates that continue...continually. This post has a lot of progress gifs, so look out for them.

I had a weird start with the reef project. I got to the point of almost completion with my character. And then I realised that I didn't like it. So I went back to the drawing board. My initial concept was definitely a kaiju squid thing with some bio luminescence built in. I wanted to retain some of these ideas for my second attempt.  

I liked the idea of a jelly humanoid that's almost being consumed by crustaceans with sort of lobster legs spewing from it's back. The floor of the ocean rising around her legs like armour, never revealing her jelly bottom half. This led on to a somewhat finished piece with the character placed in the environment. 

While I liked the concept and the painting, I didn't feel that she read as jelly. She kinda blended into the rocks. So I did some more.

First ones just an environment idea and the second is generally the final design. She looks a lot more like jelly. Here's a brief understanding of how I did it.

After all this fishy excitement, I went back to the space centre and Bradgate park.

And finally, I'm going to wrap it up with a personal study. Thanks for reading.

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