Saturday, 25 October 2014

It's late

I'm going to have to pretend ambiguity is my forte and that the title represented the current state of the film project, but no, it's just kind of late at night. So, the film project. We have a day to finish the entire scene and it's damn hard. I feel like this entire project is almost based solely around seeing how accurate UE4's lighting is and how incredibly infuriating the engine is on a whole. I know it's more than that; It's essentially a material test too but the difficulty factor comes from replicating the film's lighting in unreal.


That there is all I wrote last week on the film project. I was stressed beyond belief for a brief moment, but now I've got loads to say. In memoriam, the whole part of the project that annoyed me wasn't even the relevant part. The relevant part was the stress and learning to deal with it, seeing what it's somewhat like to work on a real game at a real company. Come to think of it, the only real thing that annoyed me was our scene not looking exactly the same as the screenshot, when that's not even the point of the project. Here's the final result, the bedroom from Coraline.

And this is where I wanted it to be by the end.

One thing that didn't make sense with the project initially was designing anything because the designs where right there infront of us. But then you try and model something and you wished you had some orthographics, especially the room. With the camera angle and lens distortion the walls of the room made no sense at all. To even start to understand how the room worked we had to design it.

We did good ultimately. Solid teamwork.


I did a few spitpaints in the week, they're always good to keep at. They'll be an incredibly helpful to help generate ideas for next weeks project where we have to design a sentry gun. Iv'e started on a few silhouettes already. I'm just really looking forward to this project. In fact, all the projects so far have been awesome.

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