Sunday, 12 October 2014

Films films films

A few weeks in at uni and we're still going hard on the group projects. We were given a simple task; recreate a film screenshot in UE4. Simply written yes, the execution is another matter.The most difficult part of all of it is not the groups or the film, actually finding the film was rather hard. But getting everything to align with the screenshot is painful. I still haven't managed it. And like I said, finding the film wasn't easy. In the first week Mike shut down everybody's film idea. By the second week we were the only ones that were shot down for our scene of choice. Simply put, it was too ambitious-Rivendell from the hobbit that is. So we're the only team that's been shut down, we're sitting there like crap what do we do. I mean we've already started work. And then Coraline just slipped into my head. Her bedroom from the film. It's small, simple and colourful. We went with it.

This is where I'm at with it today. A few glaring mistakes to fix up. The orientation of the bed, the room feeling too big and such. I think that's all due to me changing the camera though. I googled what cameras they used in the film and set the camera in the max scene to the same which ballsed everything up. But it's ultimately correct. Although the whole room needs tinkering around with. So either the initial whitebox was wrong or the camera is. I'll find out tomorrow.

Painting wise, iv'e not been up to much. I did a couple of speedpaints. Iv'e just been working away at this scene really, it's such a short time frame to finish it so i'll crack on.

Just listening to crystal castles trying to understand this scene from Coraline.
 Let's hope it goes okay.

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