First week back at uni and we're told the whole course has been re-written to reach industry standards in terms of what's taught. Basically 3D works off PBR which is short for everything looks awesome and shiny. And with these changes I assume everyone is freaking out trying to adapt. I'm not at all. See, in the Summer I got kinda bored and 'borrowed' UE4 from a pirate friend of mine and learnt it a little. Then I come to uni and we're using it. It's glorious. We used UDK prior to it which is just awful in contrast. So, this week was the asset swap project. You design an object, pass it on. That person models it, passes it on. We do this until we have a completed set of fully textured models that we put into UE4. I see how this could all be potentially problematic with our first group project and a brand new engine. But everyone was absolutely brilliant. Despite finishing the project on Friday, I've been tinkering with it and I've been able to make some particle effects and props.
Whether or not this version will be used for the final hand in is another matter. Not a matter that really matters per se because I learnt so much in the process. Regarding 2D I've just been painting away doing daily spit paints for the Facebook group. I like Facebook, I'm sorry. Here's some of them. Oh, and a spit paint is done in half an hour.
That's pretty much this week. The next one should be more exciting because we're looking at films whoo.
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